Hackathon relaunch British Council is collaborating with Urban Studies Lab (USL) and Ford Resource and Engagement Center (FREC) on the first-ever Social Innovation Hackathon: Creative Placemaking in the Nang Loeng district in Bangkok, Thailand.
We are very excited to announce that the Social Innovation Hackathon: Creative Placemaking will relaunch on Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th November 2020 after a long postponement due to COVID-19. The online workshop and consultation period have been going strong after our site visit. The participating Thai hubs in the Hackathon include WEAVE ARTISANS SOCIETY, FACTOPIA, E-LEARNG, and PRAYOON FOR ART; and the UK hubs included KIONDO and LOUIS RICE.
The hackathon aims to provide a platform for collaboration and exchanges between the UK and Thai creative hubs to promote the roles of creative hubs in the development of livable cities and social innovation to tackle social challenges. Especially during the time of the global pandemic, we must recognize the value of innovation that may help prevent or mitigate the risks. The Hackathon will also promote wider recognition of the value of the creative hubs by communities, enabling a high degree of influence on urban, city, local government, and national policies.
The winning team will be awarded THB600,000 to carry out an actual project in Nang Loeng.
We invite you to join us for the final presentation on Wednesday 18th November 2020, 15:30pm at FREC Auditorium.
