ทุกคนคงสงสัยว่าจะใช้อะไรในการประเมินว่าเมืองไหนดีสุด เมืองไหนเเย่สุด ซึ่งจะประเมินโดยองค์กรที่ชื่อว่า Economist Intelligence Unit หรือ EIU ซึ่งได้ทำการวิจัยและวิเคราะห์เพื่อเมืองต่างๆผ่านเกณฑ์ ผ่านเกณฑ์ 5 ประการ
ในบทความนี้จะพูดถึงเวียนนา เมืองที่ได้รับการจัดอันดับให้เป็นเมืองที่น่าอยู่ที่สุดในโลกเนื่องจากความสำเร็จในการปรับปรุงเรื่องความมั่นคง วัฒนธรรมและสิ่งแวดล้อมในแต่ละปี แต่ในทางกลับกันกรุงเทพฯอยู่ในอันดับที่ 98 โดยมีจุดอ่อนที่สุดคือเรื่องความมั่นคง วัฒนธรรมและสิ่งแวดล้อม

One might wonder which is the most liveable city in the world? And how do various cities across the six continents being assessed? There is an organization called the Economist Intelligence Unit or EIU that doing research and analysis for helping business and the government to understand how the world is changing (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2019). According to EIU’s report (2018), there are some factors that are in common that can be used to justify the most livable city in the world, which will be scored by EIU through five criteria, which are stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

Each city will be graded by EIU based on these criteria for representing different score weight; 25 percent for stability, and culture and environment; 20 percent for healthcare and infrastructure; 10 percent is for education. Hence, this essay will present about the worlds’ top ten livable cities, with the main focus in the first rank and the suggestion for improving Bangkok according to the successful liveable city.

There are two countries from Europe, two countries from Oceania and North America and one from Asia. These countries have high score in every aspect that EIU set, especially Vienna. The overall score of Vienna is equal to 99.1 over 100 score (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2018). As reported by the Economist Intelligence (2017), Vienna ranked second of the top ten most liveable cities in the world. This means that this city has developed and climbed itself to the top rank. The reason behind this winning against Melbourne is the increasing stability in Vienna. The city was given score for the stability criteria for 95 for the last year and in 2018 it received 100. Vienna tends to have a good development about the crime rate every year because the crime rate is dropping from 93 in 2012 to 83 in 2015, and 68 in 2016 and lastly there is only one reported crime in 2017. Not only has the stability rate that they received high scored but also the other criteria too. As a result, Vienna succeeded in security management that becomes the most liveable city.

This means that Bangkok has the problem of the security and the crime management. According to the Nation (2018), Bangkok was ranked in the 98th place among 140 cities around the world in the global liveable report, which means they have some development and the overall rating of Bangkok in EIU index is 66 over 100. This overall score can be interpreted that this city presents negative factors that have an impact on day-to-day living (“Bangkok ranks 98th,” 2018 ). Therefore, if Bangkok want to improve her rank, the city has to focus on the stability rate by using Vienna as an example. According to Safe Around (2017), the overall risk rate of Vienna is determined as low, but for Bangkok is medium.

for example, not available for transportation risk, not available for women traveller risk, not available for terrorism risk, and not available for scam risk. On the other hand, Bangkok has high risk in transportation and scam risk, and many other risk in medium rate. Bangkok should firstly improve the public transportation and the safety on the road transportation by developing the safety standard for the public transportation as Vienna did. Secondly, Bangkok should get rid of the scram problem that might occur in the service sector such as fake taxi and overpriced service by using more strict law and punishment. These are the two main high risks that Bangkok has already faced and needed to be solved immediately.

In conclusion, Vienna is ranked as the most liveable city in the world due to the successes in improving its stability rate year by year. Bangkok ranked the 98th place with the weakest spot is the stability rate. Bangkok could somehow take some of Vienna’s success stories as the example as to improve some of the key the liveable indexes, such as by increasing more safety standard of the public transportation and should try to get rid of scram problem by stricken law and punishment.

By using data as a driver, such rankings present themselves as dispassionate and impartial (O’Sullivan, 2019). Moreover, O’Sullivan stated further that “City rankings are thus a window onto the projected tastes of a highly specific elite—even if the cities that suit this elite would also suit other people well enough, should they manage to get there.” This could also provide more nuanced assessment to the world cities ranking, and has to take in other points/angles into considerations.